A Message From Our Founder and CEO….
Connecting patients face-to-face for drug and alcohol treatment is not only difficult during the Covid-19 pandemic, but in some instances it can be irresponsible. Fortunately, here at Silver Linings Recovery Centers, we are offering Telehealth solutions. Silver Linings Recovery Centers cares about desperate, dying addicts and alcoholics and collectively we believe that now, more than ever, we need to do more than our fair share. Not only are we offering Telehealth groups to our current patients, but we are now offering it to the uninsured and other people who do not have access to treatment during these stressful times.
Telehealth is a broad term for health care that is offered through a digital platform. Silver Linings Recovery Centers is offering Telehealth through a secure video conferencing platform that is Hippa compliant. The main benefit for our clients is that they can be anywhere for treatment, as long as they have a computer with internet access or a phone available. We will assist our clients and walk them through how to set up their computers or mobile devices.
Finding drug and alcohol rehab under normal circumstances can be difficult to say the least. Now that we are in a historical pandemic it is exponentially more frustrating. What we are striving for at Silver Linings Recovery Center is to make accessibility to drug treatment as simple as possible during this pandemic. We are here to help you, or your loved one, get treatment today. Please do not hesitate to give us a call at 1-844-546-4644.
Don Colamesta
CEO / Founder Silver Linings Recovery Center
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Find out more about how we are keeping our clients and staff safe.
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