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Parents, You are Not Alone

An Open Letter to Parents Sending their Child to a Rehabilitation Center

It is one of the most difficult and unimaginable situations a parent will ever have to face: the realization that their own child is deep into a drug or alcohol addiction. The warning signs have been creeping into daily normality for quite some time: mood swings, aggression, loss in hobbies and a change in social circle to name a few. You’ve sat them down and tried to explain the dangerous path they’re facing will come with dire consequences. But suddenly weeks and months and maybe years have gone by and you, your child and your family are suffering daily. You’ve reached the pivotal point in substance abuse where you alone cannot fix your child and it is time to send them to a rehabilitation center to recover and get the help they need.

Sending a Child to a Rehabilitation Center in PAThose first few hours, days and weeks will be filled with an array of emotions: guilt, shame, sadness, loneliness, an overwhelming feeling of loss for the child you could not help on your own. Please know you have done the right thing, the only thing in your power to save your child and try to bring normalcy back to your family. When you sit alone pondering your decision, please know you had no other choice. Addiction cannot be cured; it does not simply go away no matter how many final straws you draw, no matter the consequences, or last chances you present. Find comfort in the fact that your child is safe and the rehabilitation center’s specialists are giving your child the opportunity to rest and restore, regain the mental and emotional stability they’ve been lacking for so long. While your child is healing, as are you and your family.

Rehabilitation CenterSilver Linings Recover Center Family Support Rehabilitation Center PA

Every rehabilitation center has different philosophies and processes for intake, detox and treatment programs. When sending your child to an addiction treatment center, it is important to do your research so you fully understand and feel comfortable with your decision. At Silver Linings Recovery Center we seek to educate patients and families on the disease of chemical dependency. Our goal is to evaluate and assess each individual patient in order to create a personalized treatment plan to achieve long-term recovery. Silver Linings Recovery Center’s addiction specialists focus on a patient-first treatment plan using a combination of traditional and holistic options. We help patients and their families recover on every level: mind, body and spirit. Call 844-546-4644 to speak with our admissions team who are happy to answer your questions in a non-judgmental environment.

Family Therapy & Support Group Options

Silver Linings Recovery Center Rehabilitation Center Bucks County PAWhile your child is away getting the help they need to face and overcome their substance use disorder, you and your family must take this time to heal as well. It is vital to your child’s long-term sobriety that you find a rehabilitation center which offers ongoing family therapy, alumni support and access to outside resources. Silver Linings Recovery Center offers family programs that educate and support families faced with substance use disorder. Our groups provide a safe place for you and your family to find hope and encouragement for a life free of addition. Additionally, we are partners with many resources, organizations and support groups throughout Bucks County, PA. Groups such as AA, NA, GA, Al-Anon, Nar-Anon and more give you the opportunity to attend meetings with other parents in very similar situations. We encourage parents who have sent their child to a rehabilitation center to attend meetings and speak to counselors; do everything you need to do to stay well.

This was not the life you pictured for yourself, your family and especially not for your child. But the reality is today almost 21 million Americans have at least 1 form of substance addiction, but only 10% receive treatment. By making the tough decision to send your child to rehab, you have given your child the gift to live a clean, sober and healthy life. You have also given yourself the chance to live. You will come out of this to see the other side, you will survive. You and your family will be stronger in the end. You are not alone.

The Help You Desire Is Just A Phone Call Away

Reach out to our admissions office for a confidential consultation, and let the healing begin.